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Shape Your

Success is poorly emulated when one tries to replicate luck: what a project needs is consistency, realistic strategies and human beings with tremendous self knowledge.

Shape Your

Success is poorly emulated when one tries to replicate luck: what a project needs is consistency, realistic strategies and human beings with tremendous self knowledge.

Make Better Entrepreneurs

One day, chinese poet Zhuang Zi fell a sleep and made a dream where he was a butterfly.
Eventually exhausted from flying, the butterfly fell asleep and started dreaming he was Zhuang Zi.
This moment, Zhuang Zi woke up, and didn’t know if he had dreamt of a butterfly, of if the butterfly had dreamt of him.


Entrepreneurs have it the same way: you don’t always know if you are giving life to your dream-project of if the dream-project is taking such a toll on you that it shapes your identity. The path of an entrepreneur is full of dreams and illusions, to the point of questioning your own perceptions of reality: am I really on the right path? Are we doing the right thing to transform the dream into a profitable business? Is it worth it?
Above all, what can help an entrepreneur, or a team is a set of external eyes.
This is where we come in…

Make Better Entrepreneurs

One day, chinese poet Zhuang Zi fell a sleep and made a dream where he was a butterfly. Eventually exhausted from flying, the butterfly fell asleep and started dreaming he was Zhuang Zi. This moment, Zhuang Zi woke up, and didn’t know if he had dreamt of a butterfly, of if the butterfly had dreamt of him.


Entrepreneurs have it the same way: you don’t always know if you are giving life to your dream-project of if the dream-project is taking such a toll on you that it shapes your identity. The path of an entrepreneur is full of dreams and illusions, to the point of questioning your own perceptions of reality: am I really on the right path? Are we doing the right thing to transform the dream into a profitable business? Is it worth it?
Above all, what can help an entrepreneur, or a team is a set of external eyes.
This is where we come in…


Zhuang Zi Corporation is a global consulting company, specialized in strategic planning, business intelligence, product philosophy and owners training.

The company is managed by myself, Gauthier Lamothe a self-made entrepreneur with 15 years of business experience and targeting U.S. and international small businesses and entrepreneurs. I was born in France but my career led me to work in many countries and in many languages, including Mandarin Chinese that I liked a lot, hence the name of my company.

A peculiar profile, in the sense that I’ve been standing at the crossroads of two careers for quite a long time: entrepreneurship and coaching.

This background gives me a unique vision of the struggles an entrepreneur can go through, and a unique toolset to help people make their dream projects come true.

I regularly work with like-minded people who have a very unique skillset, and I decided to create a company that could train and help entrepreneurs beyond standard consulting.

My formal training in social sciences, coaching and psychotherapy began in 2003 and got really serious in 2006 when I started considering a career in this field.

At the same time, being mentally stimulated by problem solving-oriented jobs, I often got involved in many companies, each one allowing me to learn new skills and meet people who would later offer me to become a co-founder in their next business, when I wasn’t the one founding a new company with a new idea popping up.



Zhuang Zi Corporation is a global consulting company, specialized in strategic planning, business intelligence, product philosophy and owners training.

The company is managed by myself, Gauthier Lamothe a self-made entrepreneur with 15 years of business experience and targeting U.S. and international small businesses and entrepreneurs. I was born in France but my career led me to work in many countries and in many languages, including Mandarin Chinese that I liked a lot, hence the name of my company.

A peculiar profile, in the sense that I’ve been standing at the crossroads of two careers for quite a long time: entrepreneurship and coaching.

This background gives me a unique vision of the struggles an entrepreneur can go through, and a unique toolset to help people make their dream projects come true.



I regularly work with like-minded people who have a very unique skillset, and I decided to create a company that could train and help entrepreneurs beyond standard consulting.

My formal training in social sciences, coaching and psychotherapy began in 2003 and got really serious in 2006 when I started considering a career in this field.

At the same time, being mentally stimulated by problem solving-oriented jobs, I often got involved in many companies, each one allowing me to learn new skills and meet people who would later offer me to become a co-founder in their next business, when I wasn’t the one founding a new company with a new idea popping up.


Individual Coaching

One-to-one sessions, in total privacy to find your personal entrepreneurial style.


Your company or project is already up and running, yet something feels odd…
An external pair of eyes is what you need


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Corporate Training

A team of competent and seasoned trainers will taylor a training program to raise your stakeholder’s level.

Custom Partnership

From time to time, projects we love can be taken care of in a special way.


Individual Coaching

One-to-one sessions, in total privacy to find your personal entrepreneurial style.


Your company or project is already up and running, yet something feels odd…
An external pair of eyes is what you need

Corporate Training

A team of competent and seasoned trainers will taylor a training program to raise your stakeholder’s level.

Custom Partnership

From time to time, projects we love can be taken care of in a special way.



Periodically receive business insights, either about intemporal problems that people have faced since since the dawn of time, or about recent events that can teach us a lesson. I don’t like getting spammed with useless content filled with call to actions, and wouldn’t like to do that to you even if I want to sell you something… Hence you can expect sporadic and meaningful emails from me.


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Periodically receive business insights, either about intemporal problems that people have faced since since the dawn of time, or about recent events that can teach us a lesson. I don’t like getting spammed with useless content filled with call to actions, and wouldn’t like to do that to you even if I want to sell you something… Hence you can expect sporadic and meaningful emails from me.