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What would you be doing right now if all the self-help recipes for success, mindset hacks you tried so far got you what they promised: a smooth, enjoyable, problem-free life?

Chances are… you don’t even know!

Most visions of success (a class of products generating 10+ Billion Dollars a year for the self-growth industry) are generic, shallow and repetitive.

After all, who doesn’t want to be cruising around Dubai in a brand-new Italian supercar, fancy cocktail crammed in the cup holder, answering calls from business partners offering easy, quick, highly profitable and – of course – legal ventures? Ok, that might not be what you truly are into.

Maybe your vision is a little more personal, suited to your personality and needs. Maybe it is a little more grounded in reality. Yet, formulas never delivered – time and time again.

So why do you keep buying them?

Sorry, let me rephrase to include myself here: why do we keep buying formulas for success? Knowing that all of them failed to deliver what they promised?

Sure, they could bring SOME benefits but never the full package… It all sounds pretty irrational, doesn’t it? Rightly so, because it is!

Irrationality is a big part of what we are –  individually and at the scale of the whole species. I mean… Have a peek at global news. Can you make sense of it all?

Please contact me if your answer is “Absolutely”: I have a thing or two to learn from you… If irrationality defines us, making it the problem means WE are the problem: what a toxic Worldview!

Who would like to enter a World of Duality (more on that later)?

Yet, we still feel there is a problem which needs solving. What could it be?

As you know from this website, I am an entrepreneur. I started my first venture at 15, before I was even legal. Disrespecting the law was not my driver at the time (nor was wanting to “make Child Labor in France a thing again”)

I simply got into business because I was mentally stimulated by projects I liked, and I found it logical to profit off them.

In the beginning, I wrote Medical Reports Transcriptions, I shot and edited videos for weddings and other parties. In other words: I was freelancing before it was hype!

Over the decades, I created, ran – and, sometimes, crashed – many businesses among which:

  • A production company, with theatrical releases.
  • A manufacturing company specialized in trailer parts and equipment.
  • A couple of restaurants ranging from luxury pastries to vegan fast-food
  • Websites on subjects such as personal healthcare and moneymaking.
  • A startup in the blockchain industry

And many more! These exciting experiences led me to the conclusion that there cannot be any conclusion at all!

Entrepreneurship is this never-ending road of unfoldment where you make an impact on the world as much as the World changes you. Entrepreneurship is a path of Unity! You are striving to make One with a dynamic, fast-changing environment and if you finally get there, well… You MIGHT Succeed.

Because there is the Luck factor… Luck and unpredictability are terms in the beautiful – yet ungraspable – equation of Unity. Some people were just right too soon and failed, because….

“The right move at the wrong time is the wrong move”
– Rener Gracie –

In the beginning, this level of uncertainty was unbearable to me. I wouldn’t take “mystery” for an answer, so I started looking for solutions.

Name any business model, any Self-Development school, any crazy idea…
I have tried it. And as it turned out, it never was the decisive factor in any of my successes – or failures. Let’s examine the most common clichés about success and counterexamples of how they do NOT apply to Reality:

  1. You need to have a clear plan and goal.
    Or you can meet somebody who has a terrific idea and is just looking for someone who has the skills to make it real (you).
  2. You need to work hard and hustle 24/7.
    Except if you’re an investor who studies his/her market of choice for half of the year – enjoying Life for the remaining half.
    Except if you work smart…
    Except if your like is just NOT that… NOT hustling but being passionate and doing things that stimulate you…
    Except if you have a sense of energy management and don’t want to end in a burn-out crisis reaching 30 years old (because let’s face it: the vast majority of entrepreneurs who just “work hard and hustle” don’t succeed… Those who succeed work hard, those who fail work hard, but that’s not the key…?
  3. You need to know exactly what you want and go after it with laser focus.
    Can be true. Can also be a shortcut to tunnel-vision, making you miss countless new opportunities popping up along the way. Can also be the misplaced ego that will make you lose a lot more…
  4. You need to surround yourself with positive people who will support your dreams.
    Then fire any friend, relative or loved-one who’s willing to give you negative feedback. Who needs negativity after all?
  5. You need to take massive action and never give up on your goals.
    Or maybe you just need to take appropriate action and remain adaptable? Remember that many people died because they didn’t want to give up… The list could go on and on…

Until we understand that Self-Help and Recipes for success are Dualistic in nature. Let me explain:
There are two schools of personal Development.

The “Maximize your strengths” School:

The premise (which holds true) is that you were born with a set of talents and would gain in developing them to the fullest. Get great at what you’re good at and you’ll be earning enough to delegate what you are “not-so-good at” to competent people. The 80/20 thinking advertised by Richard Koch is a good example of this school of thought.
It makes perfect sense.

The “Mitigate your weaknesses” School:

This school states that you are as strong as your weakest link. Sure, you can do stuff better than others, but if you want to be cost-effective and bring your ideas to life in a timely fashion, you need to be doing a lot on your own –
Especially now, in the digital era. Tai Lopez, Andrew Tate and other Web-Marketing gurus are good examples of this “Hustle Harder, Hustler Smarter” mentality (to quote 50 Cent). And it also makes perfect sense.

These two currents, in substance, say:

  • Be yourself no matter what!
  • Adapt to the World no matter what!

Let’s dive deeper into this fundamental dichotomy, by examining a famous quote:

“Would you rather be the World’s greatest lover, but have everyone think you’re the World’s worst lover? Or would you rather be the World’s worst lover, but have everyone think you’re the World’s greatest lover?
Now, that’s an interesting question.”

Warren Buffet

The expected answer, here, is the first option: do things for yourself without seeking the World’s approval.

Be unique.
Invest in what you believe in.
Never follow other people’s dogmas.

Who wouldn’t sympathize with this Worldview?

But does it explain why some people get rich through copy-trading?
Or why some others fail while pursuing their passions, having listened to their unique voice?

Now the funny part:

If everyone thought you were the World’s worst lover, who would want to have sex with you anyway?
At least, the actual worst lover in the World wouldn’t be lacking partners, if everybody on the planet thought he/she was the best…

This quote illustrates in fact why Self-Development is no insulation from the World’s chaotic nature.

Some people like to depict the Economic Environment as a Jungle. They rant about predation, danger and competition for resources.

This is one way to put it (a way the “Adapt to the world” School advertises). Predator eats prey: the animalistic approach.

But one could also consider the vegetal implications of the metaphor. After all, in a Jungle, you’re – statistically speaking – far more likely to get lost and dehydrated than mauled by an angry jaguar*.(*accounting for ± 20 deaths a year: you still don’t want to mess with them!)

The Jungle metaphor says one truth: entrepreneurship is about exploring uncharted territory.

Every Self-Help School in the world will tell you they have the best compass to figure out your direction.

The best machete to hack your path forward. They will promise that these tools cannot fail.

Even when our experience teaches us the contrary: they can – and will – fail.
What you need is not a brand-new compass. What you need is not another machete.

As you would benefit way more from:

  • Learning how to become your own compass, so you could always find your way back to your purpose and mission.
  • Familiarizing yourself with your personal sharpness, discovering what gives you an edge and polish it so it can shine for the world to see.

In other words:

  • Adapting to the World without losing sight of yourself.
  • Potentializing your innate talents while keeping the Market in sight.

Say Goodbye to the divisive rhetoric of Self-Help Schools, focus on creating a personalized approach to self-improvement that aligns with your unique goals and values.

Take control, craft a plan that works for you!

That’s why I’m humbly launching this Entrepreneur’s self-development course.

Not something that promises one rigid vision of success but that allows you to find many sources of success (you will probably not find what you were looking for in the beginning, but you’re likely to find something equally cool… likely, not certain: I can’t guarantee anything certain).

In this course, you will learn:

✅ Time management based on your internal clock – not somebody else’s 

✅ Self-Awareness and Introspection on the move 

✅ Stress management and emotional intelligence 

✅ Motivation and behavior change

✅ Identifying and getting out of toxic life scenarios (it doesn’t only help your business, it helps your love life and your social life)

✅ Meta-cognition and perspective-taking – learning how to identify never-seen-before opportunities and take advantage of them.

✅ Communication skills and conflict resolution

✅ Epistemology in a nutshell – so you’ll know what you can expect and what is truly unpredictable.

✅ Funny cognitive biases that can easily be cut-off and make us instantly gain a ton of clarity and happiness.

And many more treats. All of this in an “enjoy the process” fashion.

What you’ll gain goes beyond tools (although there are plenty of them along the course): you will develop Structure and Resiliency.

The ability to take care of yourself and adapt on your entrepreneurial journey.
Plain. Simple. Self-Help and Coaching were bound to fail from the start: they are autobiographical.

“Experience is a lamp that only lights the one holding it”

– Louis Ferdinand Céline –

Through this course, I am not teaching you my experience, I am showing how you can optimize YOURS! How to become your own compass. How to be your very own machete (OK, that one’s weird).

Sincerely Yours,
Another guy lost in the Jungle, who’s serene not to exactly know what he’s doing


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